Sacramento closet organizers

Closet Shelving: Level Up Your Closet Space

Having a well-organized and functional closet can make a huge difference in your daily routine. It’s important to maximize the available closet shelving and other space and make your closet as efficient as possible. In this article, we will explore some creative ideas and other techniques to level up your closet and transform it into a stylish and organized storage solution.

Utilize vertical space

Install adjustable closet shelving. Use adjustable closet shelves to customize the height and spacing according to your needs. This allows you to accommodate different types of clothing and accessories, such as folded items, shoes, and bags.

Add hanging organizers

Hang organizers with multiple compartments to store smaller items like socks, underwear, and accessories. Utilize the vertical space by hanging organizers on the inside of the closet doors or on a hanging rod.

Install a double-hang closet rod

Double your hanging space by installing a second rod below the existing one. This is especially useful for shorter items like shirts and skirts.

Maximize storage with clever solutions

Use storage bins and baskets. Utilize storage bins and baskets to group similar items together and keep them organized. Opt for clear bins or label them for easy identification.

Install hooks and pegboards

Install hooks on the walls or inside the closet doors to hang items like belts, scarves, and hats. Use pegboards to hang accessories or display your favorite pieces.

Incorporate drawer dividers

Use drawer dividers to separate different types of clothing or accessories within your drawers. This helps to keep everything in its place and makes it easier to find what you need.

Enhance the aesthetics

Use matching hangers. Invest in a set of matching hangers to create a cohesive and visually appealing look. This simple change can instantly elevate the overall appearance of your closet.

Add lighting

Install LED strip lights or battery-operated motion sensor lights to illuminate your closet. This makes it easier to see and find items, especially in darker corners.

Incorporate a full-length mirror

Install a full-length mirror on one of the closet doors or on a nearby wall. This not only serves a functional purpose but also makes the space feel larger and more open.


By implementing these closet shelving and other ideas, you can transform your closet into a well-organized and stylish space. Utilizing adjustable closet shelves, maximizing storage with clever solutions, and enhancing the aesthetics will help you make the most of your closet. With a little creativity and organization, you can level up your closet space and make getting dressed a breeze.